Bingöl(hazargol) (Turkish for: a thousand lakes) is a city in Eastern Turkey. Until 1950, it was known as Çabakcur, which means violent water in Armenian. It is surrounded by mountains and a large number of glacier lakes, hence the name. Lately, the town has become a popular tourist destination. In 2000, it had a population of 68,876 (census figure). Zazas form the majority of this province.
Bingöl is the capital of one of the 81 il, provinces.
On May 1, 2003 the whole area suffered from a magnitude 6.4 earthquake, leaving up to 100 dead and 300 injured.
The Zazaish name for Bingöl is Çolig; the Kurdish name for Bingöl is Çewlîk, and the Armenian name for Bingöl is Çabakçur or Chabakhchour. There are a couple of Armenian songs about Bingöl, "Inchu Bingyole Mdar" (Why did you enter Bingol) and Avetik Isahakian's "Bingyol" (Jampaneruh Bingyoli/The Roads to Bingöl)